Saturday, November 04, 2006

Alternative Theory for the building of the Pyramids

I had this strange idea one day… idea that made me go YEAH!......maybe?

It goes like this:

Imagine that the existing theories regarding the reasons for the Ancient Egyptians to build pyramids were incorrect.

I put forward this idea; the pyramids are not tombs but water production/storage devices -

The Ancient Egyptians were a sophisticated lot and not without ingenuity. For them, water was a technology as well a source of life. What gave the Egyptians the edge in their day was their ability to intuitively understand the physical phenomena that pervaded there environment. They understood the character of the Nile to such an extent that they could base their entire cultural calendar around its ebbing and flowing. But every now and then the Nile wouldn’t seem to do what it was supposed to do i.e. flood! Thus threatening to deny its life-giving waters

Obviously for any Pharaoh worth his salt; the ability to maintain law and order throughout his kingdom depended solely on his apparent connections to divinity and therefore his god-like power over the natural world. The Pharaoh would often seek the advice of his high-priests, who were the ‘scientists’ of their day, and they would have to come up with ingenious ways of establishing in the minds of the masses that the Pharaoh was indeed divine.

What the high-priests had at their disposal, was a tradition of knowledge that probably included such things as a rudimentary understanding of condensation, evaporation and the properties of certain rock-types, such as limestone and granite. Being desert dwellers, they would have surely also noticed and studied that dew ‘magically’ formed during the cold desert nights and ‘magically’ disappeared with the heat of a rising sun. If only they could trap and tap into this magical manifestation….they would surely gain the favour of their Pharaoh and his and their social status would be further confirmed.

I suggest that the pyramids are just such a device. They are perhaps giant man-made caves that emulated the real thing. As any self-respecting geologist will tell you, limestone is porous and can therefore hold or allow water to pass through it. Venture into any limestone cave and you will see the spectacular results of this action. Also water from the Nile could have been re-directed to flow around the base of the pyramid and the limestone structure would soak it up like a giant sponge, storing it and slowly releasing it into internal reservoirs thus guaranteeing a fresh mineralised water supply all year round. I also suggest that inadvertently, the Egyptians discovered refrigeration and the ability to make ICE!

The so-called sarcophagus and its positioning within the pyramid structure was maybe a device that would hold water which would be chilled to freezing by the process of evaporation of water from the sides of the pyramid as it basked in the daytime sun. The sarcophagus is made of granite, which is impermeable and strong enough to endure the expanding formation of ice. Maybe this explains the big chip that is clearly visible today. Someone went at it with a hammer and crowbar! Maybe the luxury of fresh, mineralised water and ice all year round was reserved for the Egyptian Royal Family.

Also, I find the fact interesting that; not long after the British Empire took a great interest in the remains of Ancient Egypt that the Industrial Revolution kicked off.The notion that the pyramids were tombs could have been a 'ruse' and an early excersise in industrial espionage, started to mis-direct other interested parties away from the real technological findings that lay beneath the publicised romance and mystique of Ancient Egypt. Maybe the real treasure to be discovered was not gold nor silver but rather; Water/Steam technology, town-planning and labour-management. Perhaps the Ancient Egyptians had created a society that future Industrialists would re-create successfully in Northern England and thus kick-start again where the Egyptians left-off.

just thinkin' aloud....any takers?